Topics on Conformal Prediction (2024)
This is the online page for the minicourse on Topics on Conformal Prediction. It will be updated with references, exercises and additional materials.
2024-10-28: Introduction and split conformal prediction
- Set predictors their associated probabilistic guarantees; split conformal prediction
- Marginal guarantee for split conformal prediction: Lemma 1 and Theorem 1 of [Tibshirani et al., 2020]
- See also: exchangeability and operations that preserve exchangeability: Section 2 of [Kuchibhotla, 2020]
2024-10-30: More split conformal prediction: training-conditional guarantee
- Training-conditional (PAC) guarantee for split conformal prediction: Theorem 1 of [Bian and Barber, 2022]
- Exercises: see here.
2024-11-04: Conformity scores and conditional coverage
- Examples of conformity scores:
- Conformalized Bayes: see Section 2.4 of [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021]
- Classification:
- Logits/conditional probabilities (special instance of conformalized Bayes)
- Cumulative conditional probabilities (Section 2.1 of [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021])
- Further: e.g., [Huang et al, 2024]
- Regression:
- Gaussian/Laplace predictive posterior
- Standard absolute error score
- Absolute error scaled by an uncertainty estimate score
- Error prediction on hold-out data (in Section 2.3 of [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021])
- Conformalized Quantile Regression ([Romano et al., 2019], also in Section 2.2 of [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021])
- Further: [Pouplin et al., 2024]
- Gaussian/Laplace predictive posterior
- Conditional coverage:
- Goal and impossibility results ([Barber et al., 2019])
- Group-conditional and label-conditional conformal predition ([Vovk, 2012]; see also [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021] sections 4.1 and 4.2)
- See also: [Gibbs et al., 2023]
- Exercises: TBA
- Examples of conformity scores:
2024-11-06: Beyond exchangeability — under distribution shift
2024-11-11: Generalizing conformal prediction, “data-efficient” methods
2024-11-13: Related ideas: prediction-powered inference and multi-calibration
Suggested Reading
- [Angelopoulos and Bates, 2021]: This ia nice introduction overall to Conformal Prediction, if a bit dated already.
- [Kuchibhotla, 2020]: Gives a good background on exchangeability, which is essential to most Conformal Prediction methods.
- [Bian and Barber, 2022]: Training-conditional coverage for distribution-free predictive inference
- DKW inequality
- PAC and generalization bounds: see books on learning theory, e.g., Mohri et al. (especially chapters 2 and 3) and Bach.
This list will be updated over time.